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Winwick Wind Farm Fund

February 2025

West Haddon Junior Football Club - £3241.44

The grant would be used to replace two failed lights with LED lights.

Guardians of Winwick - £1390

Purchase a new automatic external defibrillator (AED) to replace the one we purchased for the community 11 years ago. The grant will also pay for accessories and training.

Guilsborough Village Hall - £2000

Fire alarm installation

November 2024

Cold Ashby Bowls Club - £3990.60

This grant would be used to purchase a mower and their members shirts & rain kit.

February 2024

West Haddon Photo Club - £1,000

Purchase of projector to support monthly meetings/ events throughout the year including the Annual Photo Show.

Guilsborough Playing Field Association - £5,000

To purchase a Poweroll for rolling cricket wickets as part of the protocol for preparing safe cricket wickets twice a week from Spring to Autumn. 

November 2023

West Haddon Bowls Club - £424.54

To replace the irrigation control panel for the sprinklers, to keep the bowling green in good condition to play on

June 2023

Cold Ashby Gold Centre - £4,955.50

The grant will be used towards the Golf course water conservation and environmental improvement.

Guilsborough Village Hall - £2,875

The grant will be used towards new aluminium double fire exit doors with lock and handle for the rear of the hall in order make the hall more DDA compliant.

West Haddon Village Hall - £5000

The fund would go towards LED stage lighting and digital piano so the hall can be used for more live music activities

West Haddon Junior Football Club - £2,588.71

The grant will be used to purchase new footballs for training and matchdays.

February 2023

Cold Ashby Golf Centre - £2,457.29

This grant will be used to purchase new furniture for the bar and social area

Crick & West Haddon Tennis Club - £2,017.80

This grant will be used to renovate the two existing tennis courts at West Haddon

November 2022

William Lovett Almshouse Charity - £2,000

This grant will be used to plant the 3-hectare field as a community woodland and orchard

Cold Ashby Playing Fields Association - £4,527.60

This grant will be used to buy and instal a shipping container to store sporting equipment and equipment used to support community events

June 2022

Cold Ashby Village Hall - £5,000

This grant will be used for emergency and fire safety equipment

West Haddon Bowls Club - £713

This grant will be used to repair the roof of the damaged clubhouse caused by the storms

Guilsborough Village Hall - £5,000

This grant will be used to provide insulation in the roof of the village hall

Guilsborough Playing Field Association - £2,627

This grant will be used to purchase football goalposts for the Under 12s team

Cold Ashby Bowls Club - £3,130

This grant will be used to fund a storage container

January 2022

William Lovett Almshouse Charity - £2,781.60

This grant will be used for an allotment expansion

November 2021

West Haddon Albion FC - £5,000

The grant will be used for improvements to team changing facilities, spectator/team shelter and storage facilities on the West Haddon playing fields

September 2021

Guilsborough Playing Field Association - £1,900

This grant will be used to purchase professionally installed 4 camera closed television (CCTV).

May 2021

West Haddon Village Hall - £5,000

The grant will be used to fund improvements to the car parking area.

January 2021

Friends of St. Denys Church - £5,000 

The grant will be used to repair the footpath wall and adjacent platform.

Guilsborough Playing Field Association - £1,700 

The grant will be used to improve and repair the irrigation system around the cricket square. 

November 2020

West Haddon Junior Football Club - £3,895

The grant will be used to provide full matchday kits.

June 2020

West Haddon Junior Football Club - £5,000

The grant will be used to purchase and install an all weather shelter for players and substitutes.

West Hadon Petanque Club - £4,535.78 

The grant will be used to purchse floolighting and to resurface the main playing surface.

Guilsborough Playing Field Association - £1,100 

The grant will be used to purchase a fully automated defibrilltor.

September 2019

West Haddon Petanque Club - £3,649

The grant will be used to purchase and install floodlights and to resurface the playing area.

October 2018

Cold Ashby Playing Fields Association - £4,680

The grant will be used to install a heat pump and an air conditioning/heat system.

Cold Ashby Bowls Club - £1,300

The grant will be used to replace the clubhouse carpet, tiles and scoreboards.

Guilsborough Tennis Club (at Guilsborough Academy) - £4,905

The grant will be used to construct a private and secure pedestrian access gate.

West Haddon Village Hall - £3,149.40

The grant will be used to replace the current chairs.

Guilsborough Playing Field Association - £2,000

The grant will be used to install full-sized goalposts.

June 2018

Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire - £5,000 from the Winwick Wind Farm Fund

The grant will enable the group to invest in more direct promotion of the Northampton Volunteer Car scheme and the group’s recent social isolation and well-being expansion.

West Haddon Petanque Club - £4,434.44 from the Winwick Wind Farm Fund

The grant will be used to improve the club’s Petanque piste facility.

March 2018

West Haddon Community Resilience – £3,127.75 from the Winwick Wind Farm Fund

The funding will enable the group to install Public access Defibrillators for West Haddon.

February 2018

Guardians of Winwick - £3,600

The grant will fund the group’s flood prevention programme in the village.

West Haddon Junior Football Club - £4,800

The group will use their funding to remove the existing turf and level the pitch of the club ground.