New Albion Wind Farm Fund
October 2024
Rushton Pocket Park - 4366.89
This grant would support the maintenance of the park including mowing, replacement plants/seeds, paint, compost, notice board information and the cost of insurance.
Rushton Parish Council - £3002
This grant would be used to improve Radar Speed Signs
Rushton Parish Council - £8509
This grant will be used to refurbish a bus shelter Bus shelter.
The Parochial Church Council of All Saints' Rushton - £6791
To upgrade the existing church floodlighting installation and instal a mains powered security alarm modem
June 2024
Rushton Village Hall - £13,720
To support Repairs, Maintenance and Security Improvements
Rushton Parish Council - £13,048
To support improvements to Public Footpath Access
April 2024
Rushton Cricket Club - £10,000
To fund the repair of the Pavillion Roof and Scorebox
Rushton Parish Council - £2000
To support their 80th Anniversary of the D Day Landings event
January 2024
Rushton Parish Council - £2,670
To makeover the Community Minibus
October 2023
Rushton Village Hall - £12,775
To replace the event furniture, add additional items (including pop-up canopies and portable signage) and carry out refurbishment works to the existing Village Hall Out Buildings creating a secure and suitable environment for the storage of this equipment.
July 2023
Rushton Parish Council - £3000
The grant will be used for the Cleaning and Restoration of the War Memorial Monument and the Enclosed area.
Rushton Parish Council - £1,500
The grant will be used to support the Rushton Community Minibus
Rushton Parish Council - £1,800
The grant will be used for Repairs & Refurbishment of Pipewell Village Sign
January 2023
The Parochial Church Council of All Saints Rushton - £3,610.70
The grant will be used for replacement of broken fencing on the church boundary
Rushton Primary School PCA - £10,000
The grant will be used to re-create a learning environment with natural quality furniture and resources that will easily last the next 20 years. This will provide the children with a stimulating but calm space that supports all learning styles and needs
Rushton Parish Council - £363
The grant will be used to install a new wooden post and rail fence
November 2022
Rushton Cricket Club - £14,756.60
The grant will be used for repairs to the patio area and retaining walls
Rushton Pocket Park - £4,000
The grant will be used to cover routine maintenance costs and insurance
May 2022
Rushton Primary School PCA - £10,000
The grant will be used for latest technology and traditional books to promote reading by running a reading for pleasure session
Rushton Primary School PCA - £5,000
The grant will be used to develop the natural outdoor area for the children to use all year round to develop their stamina and resilience. This will include a storytelling area with stools and a storytelling chair and will support SEN children
February 2022
Rushton Parish Council - £892
The grant will be used to purchase a village sign.
Rushton Parish Council - £1605
The grant will be used to provide a community transport service.
Rushton Parish Council - £15,000
The grant will be used to hold a parish party for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee weekend.
September 2021
Rushton Primary School - £10,000
The grant will be used to provide new laptops to students and to add an extension to one of the classrooms.
Rushton Parish Council - £3,735
The grant will be used to make various repairs across Rushton.
May 2021
Rushton Pocket Park - £2,145
The grant will be used to make improvements to the park.
April 2021
Rushton Parish Council - £5,145
The grant will be used to purchase a new village sign.
June 2020
Rushton Parish Council - £5,800.69
The grant will be used to replace and purchase new noticeboards.
February 2020
Rushton Cricket Club - £8,200
The grant will be used to purchase a new mower and boiler.
Rushton Parish Council - £3,660
The grant will be used to build an outdoor gym.
November 2019
Rushton Parish Council - £825
The grant will be used to renovate a telephone box.
Rushton Primary School PCA - £6,000
The grant will be used to build an outdoor classroom.
The Parochial Chuch Council of All Saints' Rushton - £5229.43
The grant will be used to upgrade the lighting in two churches.
July 2019
Rushton Parish Council - £750
The grant will be used to renovate a bus shelter.
Rushton Cricket Club - £6,700
The grant will be used to replace and service equipment.
October 2018
Rushton Parish Council - £12,568.74
The grant will fund the installation of picnic benches and speed awareness cameras.
October 2017
The Parochial Church Council of All Saints', Rushton - £10,000
The grant will fund the repairs and preservation of the east boundary wall of the churchyard.
August 2017
Rushton Cricket Club - £3,400
The group will use their funding to Install new seating and fencing at the club.
Rushton Village Hall - £13,027
The grant will be used to refurbish the village hall.
May 2017
Rushton Pocket Park - £650
The group will use their grant to continue maintenance to run the Pocket Park per annum.
December 2016
Rushton Parish News Publications 'The Triangle' - £2,000
The grant will be used to print and distribute 305 copies of the magazine each month.
October 2016
Midland Cottages Residents’ Association - £5,000
The grant will be used to repair parts of Midland Cottages road.
Rushton Village Hall - £1,830
The grant will be used to purchase curtains for the Village Hall to provide blackout facilities allowing them to hold their popular cinema nights all year round.
Superfast Pipewell - £15,610
The grant will be used to purchase Superfast Pipewell Community broadband in the village.