Queen's Institute Fund
January 2025
Everyday English - 4,664.00
To develop our community conversation cafes; to reach into the local refugee community and bring people together to tackle loneliness and isolation
Dostiyo Asian Women and Girls - 4,668.25
Dostiyo Asian Women & Girls Organisation would use this grant to support a community café every Wednesday at Dostiyo.
Northampton Hope Centre - £5000
To expand our services focused on improving the mental health and well-being of vulnerable individuals, particularly those experiencing homelessness or at risk through wellbeing workshops.
December 2024
Deafconnect - £4980
Deafconnect will provide 6 trips out for Deaf/hard of Hearing adults and provide an opportunity for the Deaf community to socialise, play games, try new skills such as pyrography, model making, trips out to events such as the balloon festival, Picnic in the park.
Sakhi Milap Weston Favell - £4987.20
This grant would be used to offer Asian women who are widowed, single and informal carers to attend a group twice a week to reduce social isolation
Dancemind -£5000
This grant will enable Dancemind in partnership with Age UK, Spring Social Prescribing and Delapre Abbey to continue to deliver the Dance Elders programme programme into 2025.
Springs Family Centre - £4342.80
To fund a community worker into the foodbank sessions not to distribute food but to work 1:1 with those receiving food on their action plans to overcome barriers, and improve wellbeing and signpost to other services we offer
September 2024
Emmanuel Coffee Shop - £4602
To start gentle exercise sessions for older people and people living with dementia, including armchair exercises.
The Lowdown - £5000
To provide 100 one-to-one counselling support sessions for approx. 15 young adults aged 19-25 in Northampton and the surrounding areas.
The McCarthy-Dixon Foundation - £5000
To fund a driver for their new minibus service, designed to support our social club members, particularly those living rurally and without public transport access, providing reliable collection and drop-off services.
June 2024
Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire - £4995
To support the running of the two schemes within our Community Transport service for older and disabled people in the former borough of Northampton.
Care & Repair Northamptonshire - £5000
To fund the cost of essential home repairs and improvement for householders living in Northampton who are living in Hardship and additionally may be older, frail, living with long term physical or mental health conditions and disability.
Northampton Film Festival Ltd - £4485
Reinventing Northampton Film Festival & 350th anniversary of Northampton's greatest rebirth, the Great Fire, Sept 2025
Baby Basics Northampton - £5000
To launch a pilot scheme for a volunteering programme in Northampton, where local people can come to help us make up our newborn starter packs.
The KidsAid Foundation - £4560
To support 1:1 trauma-specialised therapy for 10 disadvantaged parents/caregivers in Northamptonshire
April 2024
Northampton Child Contact Centre- £5000
To contribute to the salary costs of our part-time Co-ordinator for the period April 2024 - March 2025.
Manna House Trust - £4880
The Northants Peer Group will enhance personal and communal wellbeing by the continuing offer of a peer support space that is safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led
Re:Store Northampton - £5000
To support the Community Allotment
En-Fold - £5000
To work with the global majority community through parent carer sessions, family sessions and activities and information and 1:1 support, to alleviate stigma that is associated culturally with disability.
Albanian Cultural Association - £1000
To represent the Albanian Community in the Northampton Carnival Parade
Practical Matters CIC - £5000
To run two cooking sessions, each lasting 13 weeks for people with Autism and/or ADHD or learning disabilities
Spring Boroughs Voice - £4600
To support the Spring Boroughs Carnival and Festival
The Voice That Makes a Difference - £5000
To run workshops linked to meditation helping disabled children learn skills that will enable them to have some control of their extreme anger and violence.
January 2024
Pearls of Peace - £5,000
To support the Pearls of Peace wellbeing events which includes coffee mornings, hate crime reporting hub, swimming organisation, and advocacy service.
Creating Equalz - £4,603
To run a culturally presented dance fit project for black (global majority and racialised) women in Northampton.
Northampton Irish Support Group - £5,000
To run a Wellbeing Cafe for the Irish Community in Northampton
Emmanuel Group of Churches - £5,000
To fund the role of their Young Families Worker.
The Northampton Labour Club Limited T/A The Lab - £5,000
To run a six-month Self-Care & Development Program for a small group of Northamptonshire musicians with sustained effect and an intention of rolling over the program on bigger scale.
The Never Alone Project - £5,000
To support bereaved children and families in Northampton via home visit services and provide memory boxes that help children communicate about the loss they have experienced.
Northampton Town Football in the Community - £4,774.00
To suport their Tackling loneliness project to engage in weekly phone calls to those over the age of 65, who may be vulnerable due to various health conditions and have lost their confidence to leave the house since the pandemic
November 2023
Dancemind - £4,985
To deliver the Dance Elders programme.
Thomas's Fund - £4,997.60
To fund 1:1 music therapy on Paddington and Disney wards at Northampton General Hospital.
Northampton Hope Centre - £5,000
To support a Wellbeing program at the Hope Centre for the homeless
September 2023
Outside in Theatre - £5000
‘Willow’s Winter Hug’ is a free interactive high-quality arts experience for children aged 4 to 8 and their families aimed at improving mental wellbeing and resilience.
Sport4Fitness CIC - £3700
To support Gardening & Wellbeing activities
June 2023
Northamptonshire Mind - £4,600
The grant will be used to develop a series of unique workshops and provide resources that will improve conversations and support around mental health.
The Ramgarhia Board Northampton - £2,700
The grant will be used to create a warm and safe meeting place for older adults.
Re:Store Northampton - £5000
The grant will be used to continue the work of their Family Hub, a project that provides a welcoming café space where families in crisis can receive support and build a community.
Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire - £4640
The grant will be used to support their Northampton Community Transport scheme
IMPACT-NOW - £3,900
The grant will be used to maintain their Community Support Programme.
Deaf First Northamptonshire - £4995
The grant will be used to facilitate a wide range of day and evening groups, social events, and activities for the deaf community to reduce loneliness and isolation and promote good physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Let's Draw - £5000
The grant will be used to fund an event for the neighbouring community that will include 21 creative workshops and a range of activities.
April 2023
Abington Lawn Tennis Club - £2,878.29
The grant will be used to run tennis sessions
Royal & Derngate - £5,000
The grant will be used to set up a new social, creative and support group for those specifically of mixed heritage
The Curator Educator - £4,960
The grant will be used for open access illustrative workshops focusing on the idea of what it means to be human, exploring themes of: identity, community, connection, mental health and culture to create collaborative artworks
Bardic Chair Northampton - £5,000
The grant will be used to host The Bardic Picnic, a one-day event at The Umbrella Fair Pavilion, and to host a series of short pop-up workshops around town to encourage participation in the Bardic Competition and raise awareness in under-represented groups
The Lowdown - £5,000
The grant will be used to provide 100 one-to-one counselling support sessions
Manna House Trust - £5,000
The grant will be used to offer a one-to-one, person-centred counselling service to a variety of people with ages ranging from 18 to 85
Homestart Northampton - £5,000
The grant will be used to train their home-visiting volunteers in emotional wellbeing and mental health first aid, to be able to better support local vulnerable families
Northampton Saints Foundation - £5,000
The grant will be used to hold a monthly reminiscence cafe, to offer meaningful engagements with supporters and members of the community that may be suffering the effects of old age, dementia, memory loss and/or mobility issues
January 2023
Peak Empower - £4,762.18
The grant will be used to continue with the Autism Swim pilot where three instructors were trained in STA Autism swim qualification and ran sessions both on 1:1 bases and in small groups of three or six, for children with autism to learn the basics of swimming and being safe around water
Sakhi Milap Weston Favell - £5,000
The grant will open access to Asian women, the majority of whom are widowed, single and informal carers of their spouse or children, and provide wellbeing activities to reduce isolation and improve their physical and mental wellbeing
November 2022
The St Ragener of Northampton Orthodox Christian Property Trust - £5000
The grant will be used to provide an English language course to the most vulnerable members of the Eastern European descent.
Northampton Bangladeshi Association- £5000
The grant will be used to recruit a weekly wellbeing officer
Earth’s Lonely Angels - £5000
The grant will go towards an allotment project
Delapre Abbey Preservation Trust - £4450
The grant will support a monthly network of grief gatherings
Deafconnect - £5000
The grant will provide support for a deaf and hard of hearing wellbeing group
The Good Loaf CIC - £4972
The grant will provide wellbeing sessions for vulnerable women
Practical Matters CIC - £4973
The grant will support practical cookery classes
September 2022
The KidsAid Foundation - £4900
The grant will go towards crisis support for children suffering from complex trauma
The McCarthy-Dixon Foundation - £3549.99
The grant will go towards community keep-fit classes
Dancemind - £4993
The grant will be to develop an accessible over 60s dance class
En-Fold - £5000
The grant will be used towards autism support service
The Never Alone Project - £5000
The grant will be used to run therapeutic, and fun group sessions for bereaved children in Northampton
June 2022
Care & Repair Northamptonshire - £5000
The grant will be used to fund the cost of essential home repairs and improvements for householders living in Northampton who are living in Hardship and additionally may be older, frail, living with long term physical or mental health conditions and disability
Fitness Without Boundaries - £4254.42
The grant will be used to increase the number of sessions offered to cancer sufferers at the Wellness Studio/Gym , and to provide more Get Up and Go sessions.
Friends of Abington Park - £4000
The grant will be used to fund marked and measured track and information boards for runners and others.
IMPACT-NOW - £5000
The grant will be used towards maintaining IMPACT-NOW's Community Support programme
Northampton Hope Centre - £5000
The grant will be used to deliver activity-based support.
Northampton Inter Faith Forum (NIFF) - £3952
The grant will be used for day courses to teach mindfulness, nutritional advice, and exercise for wellbeing.
Sound Foundations Early Intervention & Psycotherapy Hub C.I.C - £5000
The grant will be used to support families in Northampton for Parent-Infant Psychotherapy for a period of 3 months.
Stitch & Bitch - £5000
The grant will be used to fund an open day of the Burns Street Studio for the community to visit and participate in a range of creative activities throughout the space.
April 2022
Breast Friends Northampton - £5000
The grant will be used to run art therapy for people undergoing breast cancer treatment.
Northampton Labour Club t-a The Lab - £5000
The grant will be used to fund a free open-house promoting wellbeing through community, creative play, mindfulness, music and good food.
Royal & Derngate Community Choir - £5000
The grant will be used to run a 12 week project including choral singing, and creative writing and will collectively record a new song.
Spring Boroughs Voice - £5000
The grant will be used to enter a carnival float and troupe on the theme of a Summer of Jubilation
Emmanuel Coffee Shop - £5000
The grant will be used to fund a Community Support Worker who runs a Memory Café for elderly people and anyone with dementia.
Living Well Occupational Therapy CIC - £5000
The grant will go towards group sessions for people who are experiencing mild cognitive impairment.
Manna House Trust - £5000
The grant will go towards continued easier counselling access
Northampton Child Contact Centre - £5000
The grant will go towards costs of our part-time Contact Centre Coordinator.
Northampton Saints Foundation - £5000
The grant will support the costs of their Engage programmes in Northampton which support young people aged 9 - 16 who have been or are risk of being excluded from mainstream education.
Pearls of Peace - £5000
The grant will be used to support sessions for emotional mentoring and support and planning awareness and information events as well as fun outings and programs for the women that attend the coffee mornings
Re:Store Northampton - £5000
The grant will be used to develop the allotment project which trains and vulnerable adults to grow their own vegetables in our community allotment space.
The Lowdown - £4995
The grant will be used to provide free and confidential support to11-25 year olds in Northamptonshire.
September 2021
Good Loaf CIC - £4,888.80
The grant will be used to fund wellbeing sessions to support vulnerable women.
KidsAid Foundation - £4,900
The grant will be used to fund therapy sessions.
Sacred Sounds - £5,000
The grant will be used to fund 'the Talking Clinic' sessions including a qualified counsellor, sound therapist, wellbeing therapist and a project manager.
Springs Family Centre - £4,216
The grant will be used to fund various physical wellbeing and social activities to improve physical and mental health.
Warts & All Theatre - £4,703.40
The grant will be used to work with ten producers over seven weeks to develop a presentation for councils.
April 2021
C2C Social Action - £19,905.60
The grant will be used to fund 12 month's salary for an Outdoor Learning Support Worker.
Screen Northants Ltd. - £10,114.40
The grant will be used to run a year-round film making activity culminating in a festival celebrating the year's work.
The Lowdown - £19,980
The grant will be used to fund one to one remote and face to face counselling support.
November 2020
Care & Repair Northamptonhire - £11,652
The grant will be used to introduce practical home support measures for vulnerable householders who are affected by older age, frailty, poor health or disability.
Deafconnect - £14,714
The grant will be used to provide events, activities, guest speakers, daytrips and worskshops for deaf people.
Healthy Eating Project - £4,075
The grant will be used to support their 'COVID-19 Wake up to Weight Loss' programme.
Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire - £4,075
The grant will be used to support their community transport scheme.
September 2020
The Voice That Makes a Difference - £5000
The grant will be used towards supporting the mental wellbeing of parents with disabled children.
Fitness Without Boundaries - £10,250
The grant will be used towards exercise fitness rehabilitation
Northampton Town Football in the Community - £4,950
The grant will be used to support a project that targets inactive adults aged between 35-65 with a BMI of more than 26.5 to help them become more active, improve fitness, lose weight & develop knowledge of a healthy lifestyle.
Family Support Link - £19,929.95
The grant will be used to a 20 hour per week support worker on a 12 month contract to work with our most vulnerable families/individuals in Northampton.
Manna House Trust - £19,070
The grant will be used to increase their capacity and therefore be in a position to offer more sessions to our potential clients and reduce the waiting time.
Lighthouse Centre - £20,000
The grant will be used towards care delivery of specialist care
January 2020
Emmanuel Group of Churches - £3,000
The funding will be used to develop a Children's Worker role.
Movers and Makers - £1,575
The funding will be used to run a monthly, craft based support group.
Northampton Irish Support Group - £3,000
The funding will be used to support the costs of a weekly community club.
Northampton Leisure Trust - £2,915.16
The funding will be used to deliver a national playday event.
Rockin' Roadrunner - £3,000
The funding will be used to run a series of workshops.
November 2019
Northampton ON Chenecks FC - £1,597
The funding will be used to purchase portable floodlights.
Read Easy Northampton - £3,000
The funding will be used to run free reading coaching to adults unable to read.
Sakhi Milap Weston Favell - £3,000
The funding will be used to provide activities for Asian women.
Thorplands Club 81 - £3,000
The funding will be used to hire football pitches.
Zindgani (Asian Men's Group) - £3,000
The funding will be used to provide activities for older and disabled Asian men.
September 2019
Fruitful Abundance - £3,000
The grant will be used to relaunch and expand the appeal of Elsie's Cafe
Northampton Abington Community Association - £3,000
The grant will be used to redecorate the community hall.
Pearls of Peace - £3,000
The grant will be used to fund hire costs for coffee mornins, as well as staff costs for a welfare rights advisor.
June 2019
11th Northampton Boys' Brigade - £2,500 from the Queen's Institute Fund
The funding will be put towards operational costs for a Summer Camp.
Dancemind - £5000
The grant will be used towards the elders dance company
Weedon Football Club - £800
The grant will be used to purchase 2 new sets of football goals
The Living Waste of Fashion - £2000
The grant will be used towards creating a Creative Winter Wonderland.
Martial Arts Academy of Excellence - £3000
The grant will be for a Summer health and wellbeing activity programme
April 2019
Bradlaugh Fields & Barn - £2800
The grant will be used for the Bradlaugh Fields Community Show 2019
VR Therapies - £3000
The grant will be used to purchase equipment for VR therapies and improve accessibility for those with special needs / disabilities
Northampton Bangladeshi Association - £2987
The grant will be used to fund new computers and software to provide opportunities and increase computing skills.
The Family Folk - £631.63
The grant will be to fund a Family Wellbeing day.
Rockin’ Roadrunner - £5000
The grant will be to fund Rockin' Roadrunner Mini Festival
Deafconnect - £5,000
The grant will be used towards a 50+ British Sign Language Group
The KidsAid Foundation - £4,800
The grant will be to fund community wellbeing workshops.
Live at Home - £5,000
The grant will be to fund Summer/Autumn outings for older lonely people
Tools for Self-Reliance (Northampton) - £5,000
The grant will be towards securing the General Manager, for the coming year which will allow us to continue offering our facility for our 70 volunteers.
January 2019
Kings Heath Over 50s - £865
The grant will be used to help club continue and run sessions such as yoga, healthy walks, board games and craft sessions
October 2018
Northampton Sea Cadets - £1,500
The grant will be used to purchase a Royal Navy obstacle course,
June 2018
Art Works! - £4,999
The grant will pay for a professional Art Tutor to provide structure and relevance to the group.
Care and Repair - £5,000
The grant will enable the group to fund home support measures for vulnerable householders living in Northampton.
Northampton Parent Infant Partnership (NORPIP) - £5,000
The group will use their funding to develop a work programme called Flourishing Babies to improve the long-term life chances of babies born to parents experiencing a range of complex multiple needs that can impact on their ability to develop secure attachments and support babies positive development.
Re:Store Northampton - £5,000
Funding will enable the group to put on NEST weekly play sessions to support families with pre-school children, specifically focusing on vulnerable and isolated families.
Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire - £5,000
The grant will go towards a Northampton Volunteer Car Scheme
May 2018
Thorplands Club 81 - £3,625.23
The club will use their grant to refurbish a minibus for use by the football club and share with Thorplands Residents Association.
Fitness Without Boundaries - £4,320
The grant will enable the group tosubsidise use of the newly created gym facility for disabled users in the Barn at Lodge Farm Community Centre.
Northampton Town Football in the Community - £4,700
The group will use their grant to run their Extra Time session whichaim to bring older people together to enjoy themselves, develop social connections and to be active together.
Northampton Gymnastics Academy - £3,000
The grant will enable the group to provide suitable toilets and changing facilities.
Sakhi Milap Weston Favell - £3,000
The grant will be used to put on wellbeing activities to provide open access to Asian women where the majority are widowed, single and informal carers of their spouse or children.
Emmanuel Group of Churches - £5000
The grant will be used to run a holiday club lunch club providing food, entertainment and sport.
April 2018
Good Companions - £3,130
The funding will be used to hold social dances for senior citizens in Northampton.
Buddies of Beckets - £5,000
The grant will be used to continue employing a part time Park Coordinator for up to 10 hours a week.
Fernie Fields Sports and Social Club - £3,700
The grant will be used to fit a kitchenette within the new Sports 4 All pavillion
Feel Good Friday Group - £5,000
The group will use their grant to fund 26 weekly sessions of their 'Lifestyles' cafe where people with disabilities and mental health issues will take part in activities to help them to socialise and become less isolated.
Dallington Diamonds - £3,000
The grant will be used to fund activities for the over 50s including age appropriate keep-fit sessions, yoga, health walks, indoor bowling and hoopla.
EasyRider Activity Club – £3,000
The grant will help to fund the club’s Cycling and Nordic Walking sessions and to maintain the club’s equipment.
Northampton Polish Association - £3,000
The group will use their grant to hold their first Northampton Polish Family Picnic to celebrate the Polish art, culture and heritage that exists within the polish community in Northampton.
St James and Dallington Youth Club - £3,000
The grant will be used to deliver 24 workshops over 24 weeks on themes which explore identity, such as crime and safety, drug and alcohol misuse, safe / appropriate relationships and gangs.
Transition Town Group Northampton - £3,000
The funding will enable the group to run Northampton’s first Walking & Cycling Festival ‘Stride & Ride’ and cover all of the costs of the event.
United African Association - £3,000
The grant will enable the group to deliver a one to one support and advocacy programme.
Unity Leisure - £2,989.40
The funding will enable the group to hold National Play Day 2018, a community festival held in Abington Park.
January 2018
Kings Heath Boxing Club - £5,000
The grant will be used to extend the opening hours of the club and will enable the group to offer more BoxFit sessions and to encourage more people of different age groups to get involved in exercise.
Northampton Bangladeshi Association - £5,000
The group will use their funding to run their Ladies Be Healthy Class for members of the BME groups and wider community in the Northampton Wards of Semilong, St James, Castle, Spring Borough and Spencer.
Northamptonshire Rape Crisis - £5,000
The group will use their grant to hire a volunteer trainer to support the counselling service.
Tools for Self-Reliance - £5,000
The funding will support the cost of securing a General Manager to continue offering the facility to their volunteers.
Northampton Rowing Club - £3,000
The fund will be used to provide parking and access to Rowability users.
Collingtree Cricket Club - £3,000
The club will use their funding to remove the existing artificial wicket and install a new one.
November 2017
Rockin’ Roadrunner - £5,000
The funding will enable a team of five creatives and assistants to deliver creative workshops at eight residential spaces across Northamptonshire.
Warts and All Theatre - £3,000
The funding will enable the Young Actors group to take part in a national festival of new writing for young people called Connections.
September 2017
Q Space - £3,000
The group will use their grant to run a weekly LGBTQ youth support group providing weekly activities including crafts, debates and games centring around matters important to the young people.
August 2017
Healthy Eating Project - £3,000
The funding will allow the group to continue their ‘Eating for Health’ workshops.
Northampton Bangladeshi Association - £3,000
The funding will be used to develop a youth club for young lads to promote young people’s education and achievements.
Sacred Sounds - £2,970
The grant will fund 27 sessions of karaoke for adults with disabilities and mental health issues.
July 2017
Martial Arts School - £5,000
The grant awarded will fund the Martial Arts Academy summer activity programme.
June 2017
Kings Heath Boxing Club - £3,000
The funding will be used to develop a mothers’ fitness group during school term time.
May 2017
Thomas’s Fund - £2,785
The grant will fund the charity’s 10th anniversary Family day event.
The Living Waste of Fashion - £900
The grant will enable and empower the group to produce up cycled fashion items as well as teaching traditional basic mending skills no longer taught.
Care & Repair - £5,000
The grant will be used to fund home support measures for vulnerable householders living in Northampton affected by disability or ill health.
April 2017
British Red Cross - £5,000
The grant will be used to hire a member of staff who can recruit, train and support 20 volunteers.
Northants Parent Forum Group - £3,150
The grant will be used to run a family fun event showcasing all the services, activities and support available to Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) families.
Zimwomen Association Northamptonshire - £5,000
The grant will be used to fund ARISE workshops, aiming to encourage women to arise and help each other to live healthier and improved lives.
Kings Heath Over 50’s - £2,440
The grant awarded will allow the group to continue their weekly meetings which include exercise and well-being sessions such as keep fit, yoga, healthy walks, indoor curling and games.
Re:Store Northampton - £3,000
The group will use their funding to launch the NEST project addressing the growing needs of vulnerable families with children 0-5 years.
ACE Support Group (Autistic Children Embraced) - £1,980
The grant will fund parent packs and advertising
March 2017
C2C Social Action - £2,925
The funding will allow the group to continue running their existing language cafe.
The Northampton Labour Club Limited TA The Lab - £1,091
The club will use their grant to run a ‘Mounts Mums & Minis’ project to support mothers.
NORPIP (Northamptonshire Parent Infant Project) - £3,000
The grant will support groups for women with Postnatal Depression
February 2017
Right Resolution Community Interest Company - £3,000
The grant will be used to establish a project called Step Up to establish a volunteering programme which encourages young people to increase their employability.
Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire - £3,000
The grant will facilitate giving professional training to community groups and choirs, in order to present a concert at the Derngate on 12th June 2017.
January 2017
Northampton and Wellingborough Sea Cadets - £5,000
The grant will be used to provide rowing equipment for cadets with health or disability issues.
GranPart Northampton - £2,000
GranPart is a not for profit support group for grandparents who have no contact with their grandchildren. The grant will be used to expand the group by increasing numbers attending the current group and also developing new support groups across Northampton.
Unity Leisure/Northampton Leisure Trust - £2,950.40
The trust will use their grant to continue with their annual National Play Day event in August at Abington Park, Northampton.
The Friend – Leys - £1,700
The Friend - Leys are an over 60’s group that assist the health and well-being of older people. The grant will be used to pay for rent of venue, speakers, travel and lunches.
Northampton Sings! - £1000
The grant will be used to fund PA equipment, music and song sheets for their choir
November 2016
Northamptonshire Rape Crisis - £3,000
The grant will be used to continue to offer three specialist groups supporting our clients in alternative therapeutic settings.
Northants Youngers Club - £4000
The grant will be used to pay for a youth workers wage for one year and to pay for running costs of the project and enable the young people to attend an outside sports facility 6 times a year.
Parkrun Northampton - £1,344
The grant will be used to supply and site a defibrillator on The Racecourse in Northampton.
October 2016
Baby Basics Northampton - £3,000
The grant will be used to enable Baby Basics to continue their work providing Moses baskets to mothers who are financially unstable.
St David’s Community Café - £2,987.25
The grant will be used to develop a Real Junk Food Project and operate the café as a pay as you feel cafe.
Bellinge Community House - £2,743
The grant will be used to cover room hire, pay for materials and equipment to support the groups development.
September 2016
EasyRider Cycle Club - £4,960
The grant will be used to recruit and train eight volunteers enabling the club to increase their monthly weekend cycle rides to weekly events and two extra walks per month.
May 2016
Spencer Bridge Foodbank - £3,000
The grant will be used to employ a new coordinator to run the foodbank and to coordinate and lead a team of volunteers. The fund will also be used to insure and maintain the foodbank van, and to buy new shelves for the warehouse.
February 2016
Care and Repair - £5,000
The grant will enable the group to carry out home support measures for 30 vulnerable households.
Clubs for Young People Northamptonshire - £5,000
The grant will be used to enable young people to experience the reality of parenthood.