Constance Travis Endowment Fund for Northamptonshire
February 2025
Northamptonshire Walks - £2000
This grant will help us ensure our group leaders have the necessary equipment (eg OS Map subscriptions, first aid kits, public liability insurance for £5m) to offer free guided walking sessions
January 2025
Dementia Sings Out - £2000
The funding will go towards providing weekly singing sessions for those living with dementia and their carers.
Volunteer Action Oundle - £1450
To fund Mobility Aids
Out of Class - £2000
To support Career Discovery days
Northamptonshire Sport - 1,991.78
The Girls 'Love Rugby' Week is a campaign week aimed at reducing barriers for girls to access specific girls-only rugby provision at school.
December 2024
Northants Black Women's Domestic Abuse Group - £2000
To run an event taking place on International Women’s Day to raise the awareness of Black and Asian women of domestic abuse and domestic abuse support services.
Northamptonshire Black History Association- £2000
To support their work to preserve and digitise the Northamptonshire Black History Archives
IMPACT Now - £2000
To support their foodbank services
November 2024
Home-Start Kettering - £2000
To provide items to families in financial hardship to improve their quality of living.
October 2024
Daventry Contact - £2000
Free furniture for people living in poverty
September 2024
NN Contemporary Art - £2000
'The Guild' aims to create a collaborative programme with artists, culinary enthusiasts, curators, and community members. It blends creative expression with socially responsible actions, including communal meals, culinary workshops, and eco-friendly initiatives like foraging, fermentation, community gardening and recycling programs.
Renew169 Wellbeing Cafe - £2000
'Grief and a Cuppa'- a support group for those who have suffered loss.
Oakfield (Easton Maudit) Ltd - £1345.15
Funding will support 'The Care Farm Day Service' which is is aimed to support people with learning and physical disabilities aged 18+, grant would cover equipment to run these sessions.
Women Have A Go Group - £2000
This grant would be used to continue offering craft sessions to women, providing textile items to organisations in need. The budget includes room hire and textile items.
Ability Northants - £2000
The grant will support their drivers by placing them on a recognised first aid training course with the ST John Ambulance/Red Cross for 1 day and to take part in an online mental health course.
Outside In Theatre - £2000
To develop a festive storytelling and craft experience for families in Northampton this winter in collaboration with Abington Park Musuem.
Northampton Hope Centre - £2000
To maintain and sustain their essential food provision services by funding off-site storage at facilities
Lumina Arts Alliance - £2000
The Creative Pathways Initiative is a community arts project led by Lumina Arts Alliance (LAA) that offers inclusive workshops, exhibitions, and outreach programs for underserved and marginalized groups in Northampton.
Care & Repair Northamptonshire - £2000
The grant will be used to fund the cost of essential home repairs for householders mainly living in North Northamptonshire who are living in Hardship and may be vulnerable due to being older, frail, long term health conditions, disability.
United African Association - £2000
This grant would be used to support their event celebrating Black History Month
August 2024
Spratton & Pitsford Pumas FC - £2000
To purchase 7 a side goals to support the delivery of Youth Project supporting the transition of young players into adult football
July 2024
Re:Store Northampton - £2000
To support Restore's Foodbank with food & other essential items.
Northants Village Cinema- £2000
To support the continuation of Northant's Village Cinema 24-25.
1101 (Kettering & District Squadron) - £2000
To purchase a Bag of Character and also an IOL Course Accreditation for staff
Life Music Northants - £2000
To continue delivering music workshops, which would greatly benefit the lives of our clients and will encourage more people with learning disabilities and of those facing economic challenges to be involved
Heartbeat A CIC - £2000
Fun Activity Day to engage with vulnerable young people and adults in care
June 2024
Broughton Playing Fields and Village Hall Association - £1000
To support the 2024 Broughton Village Show & Fun Day
Zindgani (Asian Men's Group) - £2000
To support their activities for the older and disabled, vulnerable members of their group relating to their health and well being an isolation & loneliness experienced by them.
May 2024
In Music in Media - £1,933
To host a Windrush Day event designed to educate young people and the wider community about the contemporary impact of the Windrush generation and remove stigma - Northampton
Friends of West Glebe Park - £2000
To support their Corby Active Families Funday 2024 on 07/08/24, specifically, the grant would go towards activities for the day.
Hemmingwell Community and Skills Centre CIO - £3000
Community Fun Day to promote awareness within our community of the activities and facilities available in the community centre and to use this day to re-launch the community cafe and drop-in service - Wellingborough
April 2024
Cherwell Theatre Company- £2000
To support A Home for Harmony (H4H) a musical play that explores emotional resilience for young children.
Read Easy Wellingborough - £2000
To provide free, confidential one to one coaching to help adult readers learn to read or improve their reading skills.
OCIR Support - £960
To implement Therapist videos onto the OCIR app to support SEND children and their families
Oundle Fringe Festival - £500
To support Oundle Fringe Festival 2024
South Northants Youth Engagement - £2000
To start a Youth Council in Brackley and Towcester with representation from young people living in the towns and attending our youth provision to give the charity a youth voice and enable consultation with young people
United African Association - £2000
Funding will support the group's Africa Day celebrations event on Saturday 25th May 2024.
Albanian Cultural Association - £2000
The funding will support Albanian families with food vouchers.
February 2024
11th Northampton Boys' Brigade - £1000
To invest in tablets to enhance the young people's digital skills
Adrenaline Alley - £3,000
To provide a fortnightly help group in Corby for parents and families who have lost a child and offer a space for individuals to connect and share their experiences.
Daventry Area Community Transport (DACT) - £1,544.40
To support MiDas Minibus Training through the purchase 3 x laptops to facilitate the online training.
Read Easy Corby & Kettering- £3,000
To support the matching of volunteer reading coaches & adults wishing to learn to read.
Shine! Arts & Well-Being CIC (SAWB CIC) - £3,000
To continue publishing Shine Neuro-verse magazine which is written entirely by Shine! Attendees and friends connected to them to aid understanding around Neurodiversity/SENs.
Pink House Arts CIC - £2,998.40
To continue working with two local groups every month, offering craft activities for people with various needs, including autism, anxiety, loneliness and the beginnings of memory loss.
The McCarthy-Dixon Foundation - £3,000
To establish an online portal to manage charity activities all in once place, making for a secure, organised, accessible format for everyone involved to access services and store important information.
Brixworth Community Church - £1,940
To fund their Easter Holiday Club & Family Fun Day
Albanian Cultural Association - £2,725.50
To fund their Spring Day Albanian Event
Woodford Halse Community Crafting - £2,980
To fund their War Horse Poppy project to bring the community together through shared crafting activity to create a sculpture for Remembrance Day 2024, to be enjoyed by the whole village.
Castle Hill United Reformed Church - £3,000
To fund their Foodbank Co-ordinator
Home-Start Daventry & South Northants - £2,900
To support their Rhyme Time weekly group for early years and their parents
January 2024
Out of Class - £2,930
To fund their Equine assisted therapy service- 10 week 1:1 course fo young people with the highest needs and the least support
Moulton Community CIO - £3,000
'The Living Room' project will give residents the opportunity to attend our centre for a whole or part day each Friday and enjoy refreshments, a home cooked meal, entertainment and companionship.
The Never Alone Project - £3,000
To continue their bereaved children groups in Northamptonshire. These groups are therapeutic in nature, and also includes 'external' activities such as bowling, mini golf etc, which helps the children relax and start building trust and bonds.
RCW Veterans CIC - £3,000
To support the delivery of their Wellbeing Coaching & Recruitment Services
Home-Start Wellingborough & District - £3,000
To support their weekly WISH group (Well-being, Isolation, Self-esteem, Health) and food bank for families with pre-school children.
Northampton Film Festival - £3,000
To support 'Creatives and Changemakers 2024' - This project will consult local creative/cultural people and organisations to create an action plan for the Northants creative industries.
December 2023
Peak Empower - £2,172
To support their Christmas Stocking programme, to provide, food, toys and activities over the holiday period
Anwar Arabic & Cultural School - £2,880
To address the lack of Arabic eduation and cultural understanding in Northamptonshire
The Shack Foood Project - £3,000
To provide supplies for 300 disadvantaged families in Kettering to make a Christmas dinner and provide toys and gifts
November 2023
Doddridge Centre - £3000
To support their Lunch and Play project which allows for parent/carers to bring their children aged from 0 to 5 years along for an interactive session.
Castle Hill United Reformed Church - £2900
To fund a Community Christmas Light Trail
Growing Together Northampton - £3000
To support the provision of hot meals in the Blackthorn Good neighbours Nursery.
Nene Valley Care Trust (NVCT) - £3000
To maintain and improve its vital services to young people in Northamptonshire who are leaving care
October 2023
United African Association - £3000
To support the distribution of household support fund vouchers
Power of the Mind Network - £2998
To support culturally appropriate food parcels for people of African backgrounds
Albanian Cultural Association - £3000
To fund an Albanian Exhibition Ethnographic
BAK UP CIC - £3000
The project will support struggling people/ individuals through the provision of emergency mobile food and toiletries due to the increased cost of living to tackle food poverty.
Victoria Centre - £3000
To support their Information Centre for New arrivals (ICNA) services
Barefooted - £3000
This grant will enable Barefooted, in partnership with Delapre Abbey/Royal&Derngate, to work with 3 Northampton schools (90 children) in a beautiful nature space at Delapre Abbey. The sessions will explore themes around nature connection through movement, music and storytelling.
Manna House Trust - £3000
They will employ a counselling member of staff, originally engaged as part of a twelve month waiting list reduction
September 2023
Albanian Cultural Association - £3000
To support the Albanian Community living in extreme poverty
Volunteer Action Oundle - £3000
To support their Community Transportation Scheme
Higham Ferrers Gateway Club - £3000
To support their weekly club including a wide range of activities, including crafts, music, cookery and games aimed at adults with disabilities
Shine Development Concept CC - £2676
To support the Shine Nigerian Cafe
Dostiyo Asian Women & Girls Organisation - £2949.75
To provide advice services for the Asian communities on welfare rights, employment, housing, and cost of living support
August 2023
Deaf First Northamptonshire - £3000
The grant will fund swimming sessions for the Deaf community
Daventry Contact - £3000
The grant will go towards free furniture for people in poverty
Northampton Film Festival Ltd - £3000
The grant will go towards the Northants Creative Industry Expo - a FREE 2-day educational event at the University of Northampton
Laugh Out Loud Theatre - £2887.50
The grant will support a week-long summer drama camp for 10-16 year olds and this will culminate in two public performances of 'The Canterbury Tales'
The Shack Food Project - £3000
The grant will support the food bank
Friends of East Hunsbury Primary School - £3000
The grant will support a Breakfast Club for vulnerable children
July 2023
The Good Loaf CIC - £3000
The grant will assist in covering the cost of a new volunteer / work experience coordinator's salary for a period of six months.
Emmanuel Coffee Shop Ltd - £3000
The grant will help fund food vouchers for disadvantaged families throughout the summer holidays.
Northants Village Cinema - £3000
The grant will go towards the continuation of supporting Northants Village Cinema, with a focus on rural villages.
Northants Youth Music 23 - £3000
The grant will support The Picnic on the Lawn (a classical concert)
June 2023
Brixworth Community Church - £1,700
The grant will be used to fund a free Holiday Club and Family Fun Day, which will benefit families that are suffering with the cost of living.
Sport4Fitness CIC - £3000
The grant will go towards SENDS4DADS, which is a social and multi-sport support group for dads and male carers who have been affected by mental health issues or have a child with special needs or a disability.
The KidsAid Foundation - £2562.84
The grant will go towards two series of a KidsAid Truama Podcast to support and educate families from their homes.
May 2023
Spring Boroughs Voice - £3000
The grant will be used to support the Spring Boroughs Festival in 2023.
Cransley Sailing Club - £1000
The grant will be used to support the cost of instructors, fuel for boats, and maintenance, with the specific aim of introducing more females to the Cransley Sailing Club.
Service Six - £3000
The grant will contribute to the critical early intelligence gathering to set youth and community priorities in year one of the project.
Northamptonshire ACRE - £3000
The grant will fund a staff member to support the Northamptonshire VCSE Assembly.
Ability Northants - £1200
The grant will help fund a team-building event to thank the team for all their hard work. Funding will also go towards workwear.
The grant will go towards the costs of Twinfest Festival 2023, giving local musicians the chance to perform and bringing diverse communities together at a low cost.
Northamptonshire Music and Performing Arts Trust - £2,980
The grant will fund a year-long series of nine Relaxed Singalong sessions for young people with physical and mental disabilities, special needs, and other learning and communication disorders.
Out of Class - £3000
The grant will support the group's waiting list for equine-assisted therapy courses, which is a therapy programme that has been specifically created for vulnerable children.
April 2023
The Core at Corby Cube - £3,000
The grant will be used to support the continuation of the bursary scheme
SNVB - £2,964.70
The grant will be used to support the SNVB Awards 2023
United African Association - £3,000
The grant will be used to provide food parcels to those who are faced with the worst food poverty in the community
Towcester Midsummer Music Festival - £3,000
The grant will be used to support the Towcester Midsummer Music Festival 2023
Oundle Fringe Festival - £500
The grant will be used to support the Oundle Fringe Festival
Candocare Co-operative CIC - £3,000
The grant will be used to support the continuation of their Day Care for older, disabled and vulnerable people in East Northamptonshire
Amalgamation Community - £3,000
The grant will be used providing weekly food parcels to members of the community who are struggling finacially
Pattishall Park Events - £3,000
The grant will be used to host the community festival
March 2023
Albanian Cultural Association - £2,163
The grant will be used to fund a Spring Day Albanian traditional food event
Power of the Mind Networks - £3,000
The grant will be used to run online cookery sessions in collaboration with Spring Charity
Friends of West Glebe Park - £3,000
The grant will be used to fund Active Families Fun Day 2023
African Youth Arise - £2,750
The grant will be used to fund workshops for BAME youth covering a range of topics including organisation, growth mindset, personal branding, public speaking, career development, financial literacy, storytelling, drugs and county lines awareness, and young people-led workshops
Dementia Sings Out - £3,000
The grant will be used to support the dementia choir
Northamptonshire Sport - £1,539.19
The grant will be used to support the Sport Ability Sports Day
Action for Happiness Northamptonshire Hub - £3,000
The grant will be used to fund interim costs for an Action for Happiness Coordinator
February 2023
Ability Northants - £3,000
THe grant will be used for a digital enhancement project and marketing
Nene Male Ensemble - £2,500
The grant will be used to support the development of Nene Male Ensemble Choir
Spring Charity - £1,200
The grant will be used for tabletop stoves and hand food mixers for cookery sessions that will provide a long-term, sustainable approach to addressing food poverty
January 2023
Hummingbird Drama Productions Ltd - £3,000
The grant will be used to run a series of theatre workshops with the drama club at The Hope Centre, and in secondary schools, developing skills, confidence and creativity around the theme of homelessness
Moulton Community CIO - £3,000
The grant will be used to develop and enhance the health and wellbeing service
Northants Litter Wombles - £2,150
The grant will be used to support the Weavers Academy Partnership in receiving training to deliver the CLEAN presentation
United African Association - £3,000
The grant will be used to continue to support the African Food Parcel project
Manna House Trust - £3,000
The grant will be used to support the waiting list reduction project
Outside in Theatre - £3,000
The grant will be used to create a new and exciting Teddy Toolbox activity for families to access online. The activities will be fun, creative and inspiring, giving participants new ideas for activities to do together indoors and outdoors
December 2022
White Cobra Theatricals CIC - £5,000
The grant will be used to fund production of Treasure Island
Rockin' Roadrunner - £5,000
The grant will be used to fund two creatives to run and deliver four creative workshops for SEN users in day centres in Northamptonshire, the body of work will be exhibited at 2023's Rockin' Roadrunner Disabilities Festival
One Voice Choir - £3,500
The grant will be to continue to provide weekly term time choir sessions for the community of foster carers, adoptive families and their active support networks, and children's key works
Weston Favell Centre Foodbank - £4,992.16
The grant will be used for art wellbeing sessions for food bank guests
The Eloquent Fold - £3,000
The grant will be used for a project comprised of a series of one-off activities and will engage with participants who lack access to regular opportunities for creativity and wellbeing support
Rush2The Den Tots and Adults - £3,000
The grant will be used to fund crafty fingers activities
Hartwell Community Centre - £3,000
The grant will be used to open the community centre on selected days and provide a heated area, with free tea, coffee and biscuits, and access to TV, magazines and board games
Shine Development Concept CIC - £2,835
The grant will be used to support a BAME Youth Mentorship
November 2022
United African Association - £3,000
The grant will be used to fund an African Food Parcel project
Daventry Area Community Transport (DACT) - £2,590
The grant will be used to support our MIDAS minibus training and DAT training, which enables those trained to have nationally recognised accreditation
Castle Hill United Reformed Church
The grant will be used to tackle food and fuel poverty by providing food hampers and Christmas gifts to those in need
Ability Northants - £3,000
The grant will be used to provide IT equipment to be able to recruit another member of the team
The Northampton Labour Club Ltd T/A The Lab - £2,999.20
The grant will be used for 'The Knowledge Gap', a fortnightly event which will enable informal cross-generational learning
October 2022
Albanian Cultural Association - £2,946
The grant will be used to support the Albanian Culture Exhibition
Milap Dostiyo Wellingborough Group - £2,987.50
The grant will be used for open access to wellbeing activities in Wellingborough for older and disabled Asian men and women
The McCarthy-Dixon Foundation - £3,000
The grant will be used to fund a paid role of managing/running a TMDF Social Club
Sound Foundations Early Intervention & Psychotherapy Hub CIC - £3,000
The grant will be used for training support for current team and as a recruitment incentive of skilled Parent Infant Therapists in the county
September 2022
Northampton Bangladeshi Association - £3,000
The grant will be used to recruit a part-time Information, Advice and Guidance Officer
The Shack Food Project
The grant will be used to supply food parcels to families in need
July 2022
Northampton Street Pastors - £3000
The grant will be used to pay towards an administrator to continue to coordinate the street pastors who patrol the streets of Northampton on Saturday nights
Serve Rushden - £2931
The grant will be used for Digital Dodgers project offers a group environment to provide support for older people who wish to participate, train and learn some basic IT skills.
Basketball Northants Association- £2723.48
The grant will be used for a community Festival to be held on the newly refurbished Basketball courts on Northampton Racecourse
Baby Basics Northampton- £3000
The grant will be to pay for the service of a Company / Individual with access to their own vehicle, to complete delivery and collection tasks of starter packs for Baby Basics across the county
The McCarthy-Dixon Foundation- £3000
The grant will be to invest into equipment that can be used for many years to come such as a greenhouse, iPad and Karaoke machine to make improvements to the wellbeing of our local residents
Northampton Town Centre Bid - £2800
The grant will be used to fund a 60s celebration in the Town Centre
Ability Northants - £2150
The grant will be used to provide a team building/ family social afternoon, as a thank you to the team for their efforts and to fund staff uniform and badges
World Conker Championships- £3000
The grant will be used to support the running costs for the 2022 World Conker Championships
Oakley Vale Community Centre - £3000
The grant will be used to purchase a coffee machine channelled into a free lunchtime meal to help with some difficult lifestyle choices that many are experiencing
Brixworth Community Church - £1670
The grant will be used for a Summer Holiday Club and Family Fun Day
Nene Valley Care Trust (NCVT) - £3000
The grant will be used to maintain and improve its vital services to young people in Northamptonshire who are leaving care
Daventry Area Community Transport (DACT) - £3000
The grant will be used to run a recruitment campaign with a view to recruiting new volunteers to help us meet the demand
Daventry Contact - £3000
This grant will be used for relief of poverty by provision of free furniture
Revolution Zero CIC - £3000
This grant will be used for Bags of Good food aid parcels for the most at risk and vulnerable families throughout school holidays
Northants Village Cinema - £3000
The grant will be used to run a rural cinema scheme across Northamptonshire
Weston Favell Centre Foodbank - £3000
This grant will be used to fund Food Bank Manager costs
Oakfield (Easton Maudit) Ltd - £3000
The grant will be used for a Community Garden Project, which will enable individual residents to learn and develop their skills in social interaction, communicating with members of the public and raising their self-esteem and confidence to be more active members of the village community
Support Northamptonshire - £2993.50
The grant will be used for Digital Inclusion and tackling inequalities
The Never Alone Project- £3000
The grant will be used to offer peer support groups for the parents and carers of bereaved children
Home-Start Kettering - £3000
The grant would be used to cover the employment costs of a family support worker for 8 hours a week for 26 weeks
The Lewis Foundation- £2304
The grant will be used to make a positive difference by giving 640 packs to adult cancer patients in Northamptonshire to help support people them through their cancer journey
April 2022
Northampton Music 365 - £3000
The grant will be used to fund a Volunteer co-ordinator to pay Northamptonshire based musicians and performers for the Northampton Music Festival 2022
Supporters of St Edmund’s Hardingstone - £3000
The grant will be used to create a community mural and unveil the mural at a community jubilee event
Friends of West Glebe Park- £3000
The grant will be used for Active Communities Family Funday 2022 - the event will provide 'come and try' activity, play, sport and health and wellbeing sessions for the residents of Corby and the surrounding areas.
United African Association- £3220
The grant will be used to purchase instruments, equipment, tools and uniforms for our African drumming and dance group called the Dancing Drums
Friends of NLive Radio- £4505
The grant will be used to run a summer course aimed at 14 to 18 year olds all around radio drama, and provide a qualification for those taking part.
Pattishall Park Events - £5000
The grant will be used to provide a festival of live music and culture for all generations of a rural community