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Warm this Winter

January 2025

Friends of East Hunsbury - £2500

The grant will help support a pop-up cafe in our school for the elderly within our community.

Power of the Mind Networks - £3000

To buy food parcels and distribute them to vulnerable individuals from our community. We will do this by running health and wellbeing chats and then we will distribute the food parcels to the attendees at the end.

Moulton Community CIO - £3000

To offer a warm welcoming space for residents, especially older residents, six days each week from 9am each morning until the building closes.

BAK UP CIC - £3000

The project aims to support vulnerable older adults over the winter months by providing warm community spaces.

November 2024

Pravasi Mandal (Asian Elders Group) - £3000

The grant would be used to support the group's Meals on Wheels Service and their support & advice services for Asian elderly individuals in the community.

December 2023

BAK UP CIC - £2,000

The project will protect and help older people who are vulnerable during this winter months through offering a warm space

March 2023

The McCarthy-Dixon Foundation - £2,000

The grant will be used to provide one-off mini payments to cover/partially cover our older clients' energy bills

Renew169 Wellbeing Cafe - £2,000

The grant will be used to provide activities which promote a healthy lifestyle, based on the five ways to wellbeing

February 2023

Serve Rushden - £2,850

The grant will be used to upscale the Meal on Wheels project to support people struggling with the cost of living who are unable to leave their homes independently

January 2022

Age UK - £5,000

The grant will be used to fit 100 x smoke and electric blanket testing in older people's homes. 

Deafconnect - £5,000

The grant will be used to help with a well-being office, room hire and BSL interpreter. 

Renew169 Wellbeing Cafe - £4,890

The grant will be used to provide hot snacks and nutrition and exercise advise to those in South Northants. 

SOFEA - £4,980

The grant will be used to source and access food, saving it from waste to be made available at affordable prices to people at risk of fuel poverty, good insecurity, lonliness and isolation during winter.

Favell Day Services - £2,200

The grant will be used to purchase warm clothing and assist with utility bills.  

November 2020

Daventry New Street Day Centre - £4,950

The grant will be used to provide a socially distant lunch club for isolated older people.

Power of the Mind Networks - £4,540

The grant will be used to provide zoom training sessions. 

SERVE Rushden - £4,999.54

The grant will be used to support individuals with essential groceres, prescriptions and befriending telephone calls.

Live at Home - £3,776

The grant will be used to provide a series of lunch clubs.

September 2019

The Northants Theatre Social - £3,000

The grant will be used to obtain necessary assets to offer a mobile arts hub and performance venue for disused and existing community spaces throughout Northamptonshire.

January 2019

Accommodation Concern - £5,000

The grant will be used to provide safe morning spaces for homeless people.

Care & Repair Northamptonshire - £3,000

The grant will be used to provide a home wellbeing service. 

October 2018

Live at Home - £5,000

The grant will be used to provide a twice weekly lunch club for people aged 60 and above. 

January 2018

Golden Years - £5,000

The group will use their grant to set up a weekly Friendship Group using the community room at the Tesco Superstore in Wellingborough.

December 2017

Live at Home - £3,333.33

The grant will be used to support members in looking at managing their finances better including Gas, Electricity and Water Bills.  

Age UK Northamptonshire - £3,333.33

The group will use their grant to contribute to their Service Advice Team and Handypersons service.

Care and Repair (Northampton) Ltd - £3,333.33

The group will use their grant to continue to provide essential home measures to vulnerable people of all ages in Northampton.

November 2017

Zindgani (Asian Men’s Group) - £4,950

The group will use their grant to cover the costs of venue hire and will also fund a series of activities that will improve mental and physical health for members.

October 2017 

Serve Rushden - £4,640

The group will use their grant to recruit and train more volunteers drivers and helpers to provide support and care to elderly people and adults with disabilities who wish to live in their own homes. 

February 2017

Autumn Centre Limited - £5,000 

The grant will be used to sustain the centre’s existing services of supplying food, activities and support to older people in Northamptonshire.