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Friends of the Foundation Fund

January 2025

The Ramgarhia Board - £3600.25

To purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, culturally significant ingredients, and other essential grocery items which we would also like to store in a fridge to support local individuals and families in need.

SNVB - £4000

The Help for Holidays project addresses food poverty and will provide meal bags (food parcels) for the Easter half term holiday (1 delivery over two weeks) and May half term holiday via referrals from local schools and Grand Union Housing Group for 40 of their most vulnerable families.

Citizens Advice Services Corby & Kettering (CASCK)- £4000

To sustain and develop their volunteer services.

Home-Start Corby - £4000

The funding will support recruitment, training and support of 10 new volunteers

Northampton Hope Centre - £3300

This project, intended for those most vulnerable in Northampton, will provide essential advice on benefit eligibility, debt management, and support for individuals seeking to enter or re-enter the workforce.

December 2023

Manna House Trust - £5000

To establish a Counselling, Training and Suicide Prevention Service to the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in Northamptonshire.

Northampton Town of Sanctuary - £2320

To empower the young refugees by giving them a tool box and the training

United African Association - £5000

To provide welfare support, vouchers for glasses and toiletries to those in financial need.

RUSH 2The DEN Tots and Adults - £5000

To replace some of their equipments like toys, soft mats and play mats for their drop-in babies, tots and pre-school sessions.

Food For Thought Daventry - £5000

To install computers in all of the larders in order to manage the increased demand to order food on an on line portal and to manage the data of the members and volunteers safely and securely.

December 2022

Community Spaces Northampton - £4,963.75

The grant will be used to offer a warm meal, in a warm space for two hours each week while our community hub runs throughout the winter

Food for Thought Daventry - £4,960.09

The grant will be used for chilled storage capacity at Woodford Halse Community Larder and Foodbank

Home-Start Wellingborough and District - £4,771.54

The grant will be used to continue vital work of home visiting within our community and to continue offering our supported families food vouchers

Northampton Hope Centre - £5,000

The grant will be used to support the ongoing provision of the food clubs

The Shack Food Project - £3,000

The grant will be used to suport the foodbank and to reduce food waste

Victoria Centre - £4,950

The grant will be used to run a food project alongside the Warm Bank by adding a hot meal for everyone, and a food parcel to take away

Weston Favell Centre Foodbank - £5,000

The grant will be used to support the foodbank's services

The NET Tenants and Residents Association - £4,898

The grant will be used for foodbank support

Moulton Community CIO - £3,692

The grant will be used to support their Community Fridge project to bring people together to connect, share surplus food and reduce waste 

September 2022

Basketball Northants Association - £2,042.50

The grant will support the basketball club's activity

Wellingborough Amateur Boxing Club CIC - £2,042.50

The grant will support funding for brand new kits at their gym, with the logo for the squad core team to encourage inclusivity and pride

Pravasi Mandal (Asian Elders Group) - £2,042.50

The grant will support the expansion of dedicated fitness activities to continue to promote an active lifestyle and help the community get fit and have fun together

December 2021

Fermynwoods Contemporary Art Ltd - £4964

The grant will be used to provide artist led workshops and experiences to improve their wellbeing and educational attainment

Northampton Hope Centre - £3812

The grant will be used to run classes for those who have lived experience of homelessness or are excluded from mainstream projects due to poverty

Peak Empower - £5000

The grant will be used to run intergenerational activities such as walking football/ walking tennis/ gardening courses/ weighted hula hooping/ art & wellbeing

Silhouette Youth Theatre - £5000

The grant will be used to provide accessible and affordable opportunities and continue training young leaders

December 2019

Peak Empower - £4,000

The grant will be used to run 10 children’s holiday activity days for disadvantaged families.

Rush2theDen - £5,000

The grant will be used to provide daily activities for babies, young children and their parents/carers.

Food and Fun in School Holidays (FISH) Emmanuel Group of Churches - £5,000

The grant will be used to provide a weekly school holiday lunch club with entertainment.

Baby Basics Northampton - £5,000

The grant will be used to create starter packs for new mums and their babies.

July 2019

The Compound Wellingborough CIC - £3,000

The grant will support a calisthenics fitness and wellbeing programme, preparing young people under threat from gangs to win positive life experiences

December 2018

Camrose Toy Library - £4,946.77

The grant will be used to support the 'Nourish and Nurture' Project.

Shudan CIC - £5,000

The grant will be used to support the 'Fit and Fed' Project.

December 2017

Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship - £3,000
The grant will be used to deliver mental wellbeing programmes within the school.

June 2017

Live at Home - £3,000
The funding will enable the group to improve accessibility for members to community events. 

African & Caribbean Elders Services (ACES) - £2,610 
The funding will be used to replace old and tired dining room tables and chairs at the centre.

December 2016

Desborough Men's Shed - £3,000
The grant will be used to secure an additional meeting and workshop area.

DACT - £2,330 
The grant will be used to fund the group's MiDAS minibus training.

June 2016

Northamptonshire Parent Infant Project (NORPIP) - £3,000
The grant will be used to provide a support service for vulnerable women and young girls who have fallen pregnant or have a child under the age of two and are at risk of emotionally rejecting their unborn child.

Deafconnect – £800.00
The grant will be used to purchase a new water heater boiler for the community centre where Deafconnect is based.

Daylight Centre - £3,000
The grant will be used to contribute to the ongoing running costs of the Foodbank at the centre.

Picture the Difference  -  £14,35.74
The grant will be used to fund a performance project that explores each participant’s view on the chosen theme ‘difference’.