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The Avon Fund for Women & Girls


 The Avon Fund for Women and Girls is managed by Northamptonshire Community Foundation on behalf of Avon Cosmetics Ltd. In 2024 the Avon Fund for Women and Girls will have a focused commitment to funding up to three projects that address UN SDG 5: Gender Equality focusing particularly on address violence against women and girls (VAWG) and supporting women diagnosed with breast cancer.

One-off awards will be made for this fund up to £3,000. The Fund will particularly welcome project proposals which address one or more of the following:

  • Maintain/improve support for women and girls who are experiencing or at risk of violence and abuse, including early intervention work with 13-17 year old girls  
  • Projects supporting women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, such as wellbeing activities 
  • Projects supporting survivors of violence and abuse to get their lives back on track through social support networks, education and employability
  • Projects tackling financial and technological control of women and girls
  • Expand reach and support for women and girls who face additional barriers in accessing services such as BAMER (Black, Asian Minority Ethnic and Refugee), older, LBTI (Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex), and disabled communities

To apply, please complete an online Expression of Interest form - this must be submitted by 5pm on Monday 12th August.

Shortlisted organisations will be asked to be involved in a project visit and/or meeting with the fund-holder for a final funding decision to be made.

Is my group eligible?

  • Your project can be a new activity, start up costs for a new group or service or building on the good work you already do Revenue and Capital Funding is eligible
  • Your group must be a small, locally managed, voluntary, community or self-help group. Please note that as a general exclusion we do not fund social enterprises with only one person with significant control (PSC).
  • Your total budget for the project you are applying for cannot be more than £20,000
  • You must have people volunteering to help with your activity, who are not part of your management committee
  • You must have a set of written rules or a constitution that your group adheres to. We can help advise you on how to do this especially if you are a new group
  • You must take care to ensure that young people or vulnerable people taking part in your activity do not come to any harm whilst in your care. To this end, you must have written procedures for keeping young people and/or vulnerable people safe otherwise known as a Child Protection or Vulnerable people’s policy.  You must also have an Equality policy in place. This will be needed as a condition of funding. If you do not have such a policy, visit our Help for Groups section.

Please click here to view our Diversity Statement applicable to our grant awards.

Our funds and programmes are working towards the 9 UN SDGs we have adopted into our charitable activities. For more information please click here