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Northamptonshire Young People's Fund

Deadline: 30/09/2024
Location: Northamptonshire
Grant Amount: £10,000
Project Type: Young People

The fund will look to support projects across Northamptonshire working with young people (aged 11-25) who are at risk of experiencing crime and anti-social behaviour. This can include projects which wish to provide diversionary activities, increase opportunities for learning and building skills and improve mental health and wellbeing.

Grants awards will be up to £10,000, and examples of projects which could be funded include:

  • Diversionary activities – e.g. supporting young people to access arts, culture and sports
  • Therapeutic – e.g. family therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, trauma informed work
  • Careers and aspirations – e.g. employment skills, work experience, career advice, additional educational opportunities
  • Youth-led – e.g. peer mentoring, bystander intervention training, campaigning and raising awareness, young ambassador schemes

Priorities: projects working with young people who have experienced abuse, drug or alcohol issues within the family, care leavers or looked after children, young people with mental health or behavioural problems, those who have been excluded from school or who are not in education, employment or training (NEET), and those from socio-economically disadvantaged communities. 

Is my group eligible?

  • Your group must be a small, locally managed, voluntary, community or self-help group. Please note that as a general exclusion we do not fund social enterprises with persons with significant control (PSC).
  • You must be based in Northamptonshire
  • You must have a set of written rules or constitution that your group adheres to, which contains a dissolution clause that specifically notes that any remaining assets must stay within the county. We can help advise you on how to do this especially if you are a new group
  • You must have safeguarding policies in place if relevant to your work and all groups must have and equalities policy in place

What can the grant be spent on?

  • Staff costs – staff time, training etc.
  • Volunteer costs - reimbursement of expenses, e.g., telephone calls, travel and meals
  • Activity costs - resources to facilitate a project / activity (which are not already included as part of volunteer or staffing costs)
  • Overhead costs – venue/office costs, insurance etc.
  • Capital costs - small scale equipment, such as tools are acceptable up to 10% of the requested grant

Successful projects will be asked to complete an interim report, end of grant report and may be invited to a post-programme round table discussion.

As part of the project, we strongly suggest there is an element of celebrating and supporting the achievements of the young people engaging in your project.

Go to grant deadlines for all upcoming closing dates.

Click here to apply: Northamptonshire Young People's Fund application form
Please read the guidance notes and download the reference form and supporting documents checklist at the bottom of the page before applying.

Northamptonshire Community Foundation can provide advice and guidance during the application process as well as viewing draft applications prior to submission. Call the grants team on 01604 230033 for more information.

Please click here to view our Diversity Statement applicable to our grant awards.

Our funds and programmes are working towards the 10 UNSDGs we have adopted into our charitable activities. For more information please click here