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Margaret Giffen Community Fund

This Programme requires you to identify in section 3 under Impact how you will tackle one or more of the needs identified in the Foundation’s Hidden Needs Report. Please read the guidance to help you answer the question.

The Margaret Giffen Community Fund supports projects up to £3000 tackling disadvantage and poverty across Corby, Kettering and North Northamptonshire. Example projects might include :

  •  Projects tackling child poverty, food poverty or fuel poverty
  •  Projects providing free or low cost access to education and training activities
  •  Free or low cost access to arts, sports and recreational activities for families on a low income
  •  Advice, advocacy and support services for vulnerable residents

This fund is now closed

Is my group eligible?
  • Your project can be a new activity, start up costs for a new group or service or building on the good work you already do. Revenue and Capital Funding is eligible.
  • Your group must be a small, locally managed, voluntary, community or self-help group. Please note that as a general exclusion we do not fund social enterprises with persons with significant control (PSC).
  • Your total budget for the project you are applying for cannot be more than £20,000
  • You must have people volunteering to help with your activity, who are not part of your management committee
  • You must have a set of written rules or a constitution that your group adheres to. We can help advise you on how to do this especially if you are a new group
  • You must take care to ensure that young people or vulnerable people taking part in your activity do not come to any harm whilst in your care. To this end, you must have written procedures for keeping young people and/or vulnerable people safe otherwise known as a Child Protection or Vulnerable people’s policy.  You will also need an equalities policy in place. This will be needed as a condition of funding. This will be needed as a condition of funding. If you do not have such a policy, visit our Help for Groups section.

Go to grant deadlines for all upcoming closing dates.

Please read the guidance notes and download the reference form and supporting documents checklist at the bottom of the page before applying.

Northamptonshire Community Foundation can provide advice and guidance during the application process as well as viewing draft applications prior to submission. Call the grants team via the contact us page for more information.

Please click here to view our Diversity Statement applicable to our grant awards.

Our funds and programmes are working towards the 10 UNSDGs we have adopted into our charitable activities. For more information please click here

Project Type: Poverty

Grant Location: Corby, Kettering and North Northamptonshire

Grant Amount: Up to £3,000