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Rural Community Needs Fund

February 2025

Brigstock Village Hall CIO - £1764

To replace 48 fluorescent lights in the main hall with LED light panels and upgrade toilet lights to manually turn on

Kings Cliffe Active - £4590

To develop and support volunteers to maintain the site and support the delivery of more and improved community activities.

Boughton Village Hall - £4928.95

To support the kitchen upgrade

Cogenhoe and Whiston Parish Council - £4000

The group have applied for this grant to support various activities for the community.

Rushton Parish Council - £1890

Community Minibus Funding Support 2025

Draughton Village Charity - £5000

The funds are to be used as part finance for the provision of a new roof for the Clubroom.

Home-Start Kettering - £2000

To support rural transport

Rushton Primary School PCA - £4800

To create more inspiring and engaging areas in our Early Years learning environment

May 2024

Daventry Area Community Transport (DACT) - £10,000

To raise funds to purchase a brand new Wheelchair accessible car (WAV).

Deanshanger Parish Council - £10,000

Youth Club for young people residing in Deanshanger to reduce isolation amongst children and teenagers.

Bradden Village Hall - £4669

Bradden Village Hall Refurbishment

Buckby Library & Hub - £10,000

We have an open porch area to the front of our building which we would like to enclose with glass and automatic doors to create an additional secure space.

Harborough District Children and Young People's Charity (HCYC) - £10,000

To support our 'Good Times' open access activity sessions, on Justin Park Travellers site

Hackleton Parish Council - £5580

The group have applied for funding to start a Good Neighbour Scheme (GNS) and a Dementia Group.

Lilbourne Village Hall - £8170

Renewal and upgrade to the toilet facilities within the Village Hall.

Volunteer Action Oundle - £10,000

Connecting Communities and Reducing Rural Isolation in ENN

Living Well Occupational Therapy CIC - £9800

This project will facilitate provision of approximately 50 additional community group sessions for people living in rural areas that support people with taking care of their own health and well-being, growing their social capital and increasing their community connections.

Braybrooke Parish Council - £10,000

The group has applied for funding to reduce the isolation of villagers by providing an accessible all-weather route to connect the village of Braybrooke to Market Harborough.

Clubs for Young People Northamptonshire - £9244

To increase and develop the youth service provision based in Litchborough for the benefit of the community of this village and it's neighbouring villages.

Wilbarston Parish Council - £2000

Wilbarston Tennis Court Refurbishment

Food for Thought Daventry - £10,000

Tackle poverty in rural communities through the Community larders