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Harry's Fund

Deadline: ​​​​​​​Rolling programme
Location: Northamptonshire
Grant Amount: £250​​​​​​​
Project Type: Bursary

Harry’s parents, Jessica Pilkington and David Chadwick, have joined forces with grant-giving charity Northamptonshire Community Foundation to launch Harry’s Fund, a new bursary scheme for young people across the county with neurodiverse conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and ADHD, to support their education.


Harry’s Fund has been made possible thanks to the generosity of Harry’s family and friends, who raised funds in his memory after Harry died of cancer at the age of 19.

Northamptonshire-based students aged between 15 and 21, who have a confirmed diagnosis of a neurodiverse condition can apply to Harry’s Fund for an award of between £150 and £250 to support their transition into sixth form, college, an apprenticeship or volunteering opportunity.

To apply, please complete the Bursary form and send the completed form to 

Am I eligible to apply?

  • Applicants must be between the ages of 15 to 21 at the time of application
  • Applicants must reside and study within Northamptonshire
  • Applicants must be currently enrolled in college, secondary school or have recently completed year 11 at secondary school and are transitioning into sixth form, college, University, an apprenticeship program or volunteering opportunity
  • Applicants must have a confirmed diagnosis of a neurodiverse condition such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), ADHD or a related condition. This needs to be evidenced with either a diagnosis letter or confirmation from the School SENCO or SEND department
  • Applicants must demonstrate financial need to support their transition into sixth form, college, an apprenticeship or volunteering opportunity. This may include providing evidence of household income or financial circumstances
  • The independent referee cannot be a personal friend or family member but must be a professional who is aware of your circumstances e.g. a local charity, a counsellor, or a professional from a local further education college


The fund will not support the following:

  • University students looking for bursaries to support their higher education
  • A contribution to an individual’s tuition fees
  • Those unable to evidence financial need