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Constance Travis Community Endowment Fund ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

This fund is currently closed

Northamptonshire Community Foundation is delighted to launch the Constance Travis Community Endowment Fund, awarding grants from £3,500 to £10,000.

This fund aims to support direct services provided by the voluntary and community sector, and achieving goals such as:

  • No poverty
  • Zero hunger
  • Good health & wellbeing
  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Climate Action
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions

This fund is now closed

Is my group eligible?

  • Your organisation must have an annual turnover of £75,000 or more
  • Your group must be locally managed, voluntary, community or self-help group. Please note that as a general exclusion we do not fund social enterprises where there is one individual noted as persons with significant control (PSC) or if the majority of those noted as PSC are related.
  • You must be based in Northamptonshire
  • You must have a set of written rules or constitution that your group adheres to, that contains a dissolution clause. We can help advise you on how to do this especially if you are a new group
  • You must have safeguarding policies in place if relevant to your work and all groups must have and equalities policy in place

Examples of the types of costs the grant can fund:

  • Staff costs - Budget for staffing, including full-time staff, part-time staff, sessional staff, training and other related expenses e.g., a volunteer coordinator
  • Volunteer costs - Budget for training and reimbursements of expenses, e.g., telephone calls, travel and meals
  • Activity costs - Budget for resources to facilitate a project / activity (which are not already included as part of equipment, volunteer or staffing costs) e.g., catering, insurance
  • Capital costs – Budget for equipment such as laptops, tools and other items to enable the activities to take place

The programme will not fund the following:

  • Overhead costs of more than 10% of the requested grant (not including staff costs)
  • Capital costs such as building works or purchase of property
  • Profit making organisations or businesses
  • Statutory services
  • Activities of a political nature
  • Activities which exclusively support or promote religion or religious behaviour 

Please read the guidance notes and download the reference form and supporting documents checklist at the bottom of the page before applying.

Northamptonshire Community Foundation can provide advice and guidance during the application process as well as viewing draft applications prior to submission. For more information, please contact our Grants Team using the information on our Contact Us page.

Please click here to view our Diversity Statement applicable to our grant awards.

Our funds and programmes are working towards the 10 UNSDGs we have adopted into our charitable activities. For more information please click here