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Webinars & Learn and Share Drop-ins

Learn and Share Drop-in sessions

Our Learn and Share online drop-in sessions will have a focus around a particular topic each month, but there will also be an opportunity to talk generally about what funds are available, ask any questions you might have about applications and share community information.

Please book via Eventbrite, so that we have an indication of numbers and ensure we send you the Zoom link and any other supporting information as appropriate. Feel free to also dip in if you can’t stay for the full hour.

Upcoming dates:

  • Wednesday 18th September, 11:00am - End of Grant Reports: why do we ask for them and what do they need to include?
  • Tuesday 15th October, 2:30pm - TBC
  • Wednesday 20th November, 11:00am - TBC
  • Tuesday 10th December, 2:30pm - TBC


Alternative Sources of Funding Webinar June 2024

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Equity Diversity and Inclusions for Organisations based in Northamptonshire

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